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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  July 15, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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♪ >> lou: good evening, everybody. our top story is peter strzok, exposed on capitol hill. the exposed fbi agent, he turns angry as lawmakers grill him over his efforts to cover up for hillary clinton and take down president trump. >> the dossier was not part of it. when did you learn that the dossier was funded by hillary clinton and the democratic party? >> i cannot -- i do not think that is an accurate representation. so i cannot answer that question. so hillary, come on.
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it's a political document, correct? >> i cannot comment. >> lou: republican congressman both played key roles in the hearings, and both congressmen join us here tonight. president trump emerging triumphant from the nato summit, on the part of nato members to increase spending and now, the president is in the united kingdom and on the way to helsinki soon as the president is reshaping the european quarter in ways that his predecessors in the oval office could never imagine. we take up the historical significance of this trip. ed rollins, our top story, a bombshell just moments ago, and peter strzok's testimony before the house oversight and a judiciary committee. the disgraced fbi official
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admitting to the source of the phony trump dossier. take a listen. >> you said, when i was asking you about documents received by the fbi, you said you did not personally receive documents, but the fbi did, is that correct? and you also said that they got documents from a different source in september? a different source? >> it was not he who provided the documents. >> so he did not hand you the dossier? >> he did not hand me anything. he provided information to the fbi that included material that everyone is calling the dossier. >> he provided some elements of reporting, to my understanding, it originated from mr. steel. >> lou: as we said, a bombshell development. catherine herridge has more on today's hearing. >> he claims that the hearing is
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another victory for the russian president, and those who want to tear america apart. the text messages were used to attack the fbi's integrity. >> nothing but the truth, so help me god. >> fbi agent peter strzok is a singled out by president trump as having political bias. and today, he broke his silence. >> after months of investigations, there is simply no evidence of bias in my professional actions. >> republicans rejected his claims that his 2015 texts exchanged with lisa page were political opinions of anti-trump sentiment affecting his work on the russian investigation. >> peter strzok has a most unusual and largely self-serving definition of bias. he thinks promising to protect the country from someone he hasn't even begun to investigate isn't bias.
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>> nearly recovered a text where they discuss the stopping trump, he said it was driven by anger, and the treatment of the family. >> my presumption, based on that horrible, disgusting behavior that the american population would not elect somebody demonstrating that behavior to be president of the united states. you were speaking on behalf of the american people, is that correct? >> what i can tell you is that text in no way suggested that i or the fbi would take any action to influence the candidacy. >> that is a fantastic answer to a question nobody asked. >> another text where they disparaged trump supporters. >> what does trump support smell like? >> it is an expression of speech, i was clearly not smelling one thing or another. i was struck by the extraordinary difference in political opinion and belief amongst the community there --
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>> you wrote smell in capital letters. >> that was a quick choice of words. >> when removed from the special counsel team -- >> it is not my understanding that he kicked me off because of any bias. >> he pleaded guilty -- >> prosecuted by the special counsel, and using parliamentary tactics to run interference for the former white house chief strategist. >> i moved it to subpoena steve bannon. he was under subpoena, he refused a number of times to answer questions. >> democrats emphasized that they kept the russian investigation under wraps during the 2016 campaign. >> if you had wanted to harm and interfere with the election of president trump, you could have leaked information that the investigation was ongoing, but none of that came out. >> and it got personal. >> i can't help but wonder, when
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i see you there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eyes and lie to her? >> chairman, that is outrageous. >> the fact that you would question whether or not it is the sort of look that i would engage with to a family member who i have admitted to hurting it tells more about your character and what is going on inside you. your credibility. >> it's a new low in the united states congress. what a shame. >> fbi lori lisa page has agreed to appear had her deposition on friday, of course, she will have the benefit of knowing strzok's testimony in advance. >> lou: thank you very much. reporting from washington as always, catherine herridge. fbi agent peter strzok grilled by his encounters with the
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justice department official who had been in contact with former british intelligence agent, christopher steele, the man who compiled the anti-trump dossier for fusion gps. his wife of course implied by fusion gps. we now turn to congressman jim jordan, serving as a member of the house judiciary and oversight committees. also the cofounder of the freedom caucus. today, under his questioning, peter strzok acknowledging the source of the so-called dossier. congressman, first, great to have you with us. thank you for everything you do. and what you did today was critically important. your thoughts on peter strzok and, well, the degree to which you had to be somewhat surprised that suddenly, after you tried to, two hours previously, he gave you an answer.
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>> yes, a couple of, he was on the clinton investigation, the russian investigation, for the first time, the fbi and the doj were able to get the dossier, parts of the dossier from bruce ohr. his wife worked for fusion gps. the company, the agency that was hiring christopher steele. now, we know that fusion gps, that she was giving information to her husband, who then pass it to the fbi. so this kind of confirms what we always suspected. but i believe it is the first time that the department of justice and the fbi have admitted to the very fact. >> lou: and also watching it as strzok started talking about the dossier published by both buzzfeed, he had done might
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acknowledge that it was identical to what senator mccain had a pass on to the fbi. i mean that's extraordinary. >> that was going on, all kinds of media outlets, people were giving them information it looks like about this information, but the fact that bruce ohr, the fourth ranking official, one of the top people in the justice department, his wife was working for fusion gps, and we now know bruce ohr was in september of 2016, giving parts of the dossier to the fbi. i think that a significant because remember, lou, this was the dossier that the whole case was built on. it is what they took to the courts to get the secret warrants to spy on them. they did not tell them anything about it, they did not give them information, they did not say that he had been fired by the fbi, and they did not tell the courts that the dossier was paid for by the clinton campaign. the other key element in the hearing was when we heard that
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peter strzok was kicked off of robert mueller steam. he did not ask him any questions. he did not ask him about his bias and some of the crazy things that he said in these text messages. what started off with the dossier, now at the end, when they are getting rid of peter strzok, there is all kinds of stuff to smell there too. >> lou: it is a problem that seems to be now again, under your questioning in particular, it is a problem that looks like it may be headed for the first time towards a resolution. tomorrow, lisa page, strzok's lover, give us a sense of what we can expect, and what you expect in the closed door testimony. >> she is no longer an employee of the fbi. peter strzok is saying that you can answer these questions, she will be able to tomorrow when we are in a closed-door deposition setting, so she's going to get a lot of these questions, but i don't think that she can assert
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this privilege and a hide and not answer the question. he did several times, as you could see from the hearing, several times today, so ii think that that will be a big difference tomorrow in that interview. >> lou: i would like for this audience to see part of the democratic response to a discredited, disgraced fbi agent and testifying for your committees the judiciary oversight today, and just see what you are up against, as they try to disrupt and install the proceedings. if we could just show everybody a little bit of that. >> if i could give you a purple heart, i would. you deserve one. let me begin by congratulating the witness on his completely correct statements of the key first amendment law, that people are entitled to political opinions. >> and i'm so sorry for the treatment you have received here
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today. as a member of the oversight committee, i take no pleasure in watching the spectacle. >> what this is about as for the american public, it is really not about you. they want to damage and to destroy our democracy, and one of the ways that they do it is by taking an institution like the fbi and destroying it. >> if anyone should be, you all helps this unfit man become president of the united states for not revealing to the people that he was under investigation, and in his campaign, they should be applauding you, kissing you, and giving you all the words. >> congressman, democrats serve with you and those committees. they seem to be very excited about a person who is under investigation for basically subversion of the united states. >> two key points here, peter strzok it, the day after the meal or special counsel investigation, he is talking
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about impeachment of the presence of the united states, and that shows where he comes from. second, the dossier, which launched it all, we have proven today in the committee, it was information that came through nellie or to her husband, and it to the fbi. that was the catalyst for this whole thing, and it was flawed from the beginning. so the document that started it all is flawed, and you have a guy who wants to impeach the president, that should show you how that investigation has really been moving. >> lou: thank you. we thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you, sir. up next, president trump securing another foreign policy victory following yesterday's nato summit. ♪ >> we have a great relationship. everybody in that room, by the time we left, we got along, and they agreed to pay more, and
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they agreed to pay more quickly. >> lou: the president and the first lady tonight in the u.k., taking on the presence nato success. we will be joined here next. we will be joined here next. stay with and now for the rings. (♪) i'm a four-year-old ring bearer with a bad habit of swallowing stuff. still won't eat my broccoli, though. and if you don't have the right overage, you could be paying for that pricey love band yourself. so get an allstate agent, and be better protected from mayhem. like me. can a ring bearer get a snack around here? but he has plans today. so he took aleve this morning. hey dad. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength stop tough pain
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>> lou: well, despite the best efforts of the london mayor and others, trying to stir up opposition and demonstrate against president trump, the president of the united states receiving a warm welcome in the united kingdom. president trump's meeting british prime minister theresa may. both leaders discussing terms on the brexit deal. and by the way, her prime minister is hanging in the balance. earlier today, it was announced that our european allies have agreed it to increase their defense spending to meet new nato standards. >> yesterday, i let them know that i was extremely unhappy with what was happening and that they have substantially upped their commitment, and now, we are very happy and we have a very, very powerful, very strong
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nato. much stronger than it was two days ago. >> lou: and joining us tonight, former state department senior advisor in the trump and a bush administration's. good to have you with us. the president saying straightforwardly what was confirmed with the secretary general of nato. there he is, a new effort to raise defense spending on the part of all 29 nato member nations. >> this could be a big change and one that has eluded previous presidents. not just donald trump who was pressed for this, but obama and his predecessors. others confirming that the leaders there agreed to spend perhaps $33 million more. that could either increase the capabilities of nato or provide us some relief so that we could focus our defenses on prices p, frankly, where it is more important. now, we will have to see if they actually follow through with these because they have welsh on
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these promises before. and nato may have to change significantly. >> lou: singled out for the trump treatment, the president not in any way mincing words. a saying straightforwardly, it is time for germany to balance its trade relationships, particularly with the united states, where they have enjoyed a surplus for more than a half of the century. >> that's right, and there is a lot going on with that. being so undiplomatic it, and with russia, where you have germany insisting that there is a threat from russia, and insisting that americans make sacrifices, the germans are apparently not willing to sacrifice for their own defense. getting cheaper russian gas, all trump plaza's point this out. a lot of pro clutching on one side, and that a lot of people are deranged and hate
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donald trump, so he just really called them out, try to talk germany out of a very dangerous economic territory. they have been arming ukrainians, so a lot of big developments. >> lou: particularly the democrats, with the childish, i would say iq levels, most of the people using the expression against the president, i mean, they haven't had the guts to many years of president obama to actually confront russia on anything, including syria. and they should acknowledge at least their decency. their standards of intellectual integrity, they should acknowledge that the president, president trump is cleaning up the mess left by president obama. >> that's right, a lot of people also saying are you going to raise a crimea? he will do all of those things, but that happened under obama's
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watch. vladimir putin is not adolf hitler. he is not an ally, he is an adversary, but he took a small part, significant, a part of ukraine, and a part of georgia to actually prevent nato from excepting those as new members, taking the count up to 31 countries we are pledged to defend at our expense. he pulled a fast one in syria too. and this is where trump has done this, not just with nato, but going out of the paris climate accord, giving them a long-term promise. people notice this. >> lou: very quickly, as we wrap up here, do you find it laughable that the same luminaries of the left in this country, who embraced the president in china and its exorbitant on the balance of trade relationship this country, and the intellectual property,
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do you find it extraordinary that there is something about the relationship, the structure overthrew presidencies that preceded mr. trump, that is clinton, bush, and obama, and absolutely reactions to vladimir putin? >> yes, it is a tremendous double standard, and it is with the great late green kirkpatric kirkpatrick, you have all of these people who will think the best of our adversaries, and the worst of our president, especially if he is a republican, and i think that is what we are seeing. >> lou: absolutely. up next, president trump, a hero's welcome in the united kingdom after he accused british prime minister theresa may of wrecking brexit. ed rollins joins me here next. we will take up trump's upcoming meeting with theresa may. to stay with us, we are coming
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>> lou: joining me know, chairman of the great american pack, and serving as white house director under president ronald reagan, serving in three presidential administrations, good to see you. let's start with the president's amazing performance in brussels and it appears at this point, nato nation is moving towards fulfilling their commitments on defense spending as a percentage of gdp. >> leaders understand strength. in my lifetimes, i watch lyndon jensen. very strong democratic president, i watched richard nixon, who was a very strong president, ronald reagan, who i have the privilege of working with, and right now, president trump. when you stand up to these people, tell them that the game is over, we are basically going to put our fair share in, we
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have defended nato for a long period of time, and no one has had the guts to do that. going from behind, the strategy of the last two administrations. they have failed miserably. >> lou: and never forget, strategic patients. it is amazing to me to think, do you remember, last year, just a year ago, the president talking about nato and insisting that they pay their fair share, and step up, as nations in the defense of the continent. at "the new york times," "the washington post" ," the let in this country going nuts. and now, your later, the american public has caught up and pass to the democrats, catching up to the reasoning of the president, and supporting him. >> well, again, the russians, it is not a missile threat anymore. >> lou: let's hope not. >> well, it is not going to
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happen. the reality is they have to step up. they have to pay more than their fair share, and we pay 4%, 3.6%, whatever. they don't want to put their fair share in there, we will cut back to 2%. we will see what kind of nato budget they have. and we will still be giving more than anybody else in the world. >> lou: the president bringing in a replacement as congressional liaison. a practitioner of the coke brothers doctrine. what do you make of it? >> i thought that the gentleman that is leading, watched him for 50 years, they have not spent as much time on television as he did. you would think that he would be the communications director. i know it took a long time to get a communication structure, and he did not have much success. so i hope that they come in, and
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they have experiences, particularly, giving me confidence that that is going to happen. you have to learn how to count votes. that is the name of the game there. >> lou: you have a speaker of the house who can count votes. >> well, it's obvious that they don't. >> lou: i am in line with your program, i think that mcconnell knows now that he has to get it, or paul ryan. i think it is probably suicidal, politically suicidal at this point, and the conference should be moving him out of the job. >> not to disparage anybody, but the party basically needs to -- a trump is going to lead this party, it has been an extraordinary couple of days. his meeting with putin is going to be enormous, and it is going to be one strong leader versus another strong leader. they're going to walk out of there deciding on some common goals. >> lou: there is no doubt that china, the united states, and russia, very strong. they are going to work.
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they are going to put their country's, and america first. >> we went through eight years of please, please, please. and -- >> lou: i don't even know that he asked anybody to treat us nice. he just treated everyone else so nicely without regard for america. you mentioned the communications director. i've got to be very clear. former executive of fox news, and i think a brilliant one. >> i could not be more pleased. he is one of the great gentleman. smart, understands the behind the scenes. it has been a weakness that we have talked about for many months. >> lou: i have to say that -- and i've got to give credit to trey gowdy and bob, making a real difference with those
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hearings today. only one day after i had said that there is no way anything would be produced. bang. i was wrong. >> the opening segment, i would love to take that tape and run it all over the country. this is what you want. i don't think that is going to work out for them. >> lou: i don't think anything is going to work out for them. it is starting to look like a red wave to me. ed rollins. good to see you. thanks so much, as always. >> it's my pleasure. >> lou: 's peter strzok are treated like a hero by the democrats on the capitol hill today, despite the charges and his very evident anti-trump bia bias. >> ends the proposition that that is going on, them it might occur anywhere, really you corrodes what the fbi is in american society. and it is deeply destructive. >> lou: the democrats
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applauding, congressman ron desantis, he joins us next with his view, and we will talk about what developed in that committee right after this break. stay with us. we are coming right back. we are coming right back. still nervous about finding a new apartment? yeah... but popping these things really helps me...relax. please don't, i'm saving those for later. at least you don't have to worry about renters insurance. just go to geico helps with renters insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that's really good to know. i'll check 'em out. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. and i'm still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm up for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin.
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strzok refused to directly answer whether cricket hillary actually funded that dossier. >> the dossier was not part of it. when did you learn the dossier was funded by hillary clinton and the democratic party? >> i don't think that is an accurate representation, and i cannot answer that question based on -- >> right, so they sent it to fusion. i mean, come on. >> is a political document. >> it is close. i cannot comment, the fbi has directed me to not answer that question. >> wouldn't be fair to say that the dossier -- is it a political document? or is it legitimate intelligence? >> sir, i would very much like to answer that question. i have been directed by the fbi that i may not get into that, based on operational requirements or equities. >> lou: congressman ron desantis joins us. congressman, that was quite a
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hearing. and i have to say, you all, you republicans acquitted yourselves extraordinarily well. you in questioning him closely, producing the groundwork for what became the answer that he gave, congressman jordan, which is talking about the dossier and finally getting permission, apparently, from the fbi, to tell the truth for once. >> yes, i think that peter strzok came across as very smug. very arrogant, and a lot of his explanations for his text messages, as the inspector general headset too, they are just not credible. when he says oh, i really meant by saying we will stop trump from being elected, i just meant the american people won't go for it. it bold. was doing this in a bad tone.
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he was upstaged by the behavior of the democrats. you actually had a democrat say that because strzok was testifying and we were asking him hard questions, that he deserved a purple heart. i mean, how absurd can you be to suggest something like that? >> lou: well, they are trying to out absurd one another throughout that hearing. i am sure that you were frustrated by the conduct, their language. i mean, obstructing, stalling, trying to actually stop strzok from saying anything. >> exactly. >> lou: it didn't work out that way. >> well, i have never seen them interfere like they did. any time he would a question, they would try to jump in and interrupts. it's strange because you've been saying that there is this trump trump-russia collision, so if that were true, wouldn't you want him to be answering questions? instead, they realized that this whole thing with his bias and how it started, they realized
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they don't want the answers to those questions, so i think that's why you saw them behave the way that they did. i thought it was disgraceful. >> lou: their conduct, absolutely disgraceful. and producing the testimony of the strzok that indeed john mccain had passed over very similar material to the fake dossier to the fbi. that bruce ohr and his wife, nelly, working for fusion gps, though they had been part of the conduit for the material. going into the fbi. these are extraordinary developments, and we are asking the question, or even a questio question, very simply, is this the beginning of the end of the special counsel because this is obviously an fbi that is rife with corruption and bias, turned into an absolute assault of subversion against the president of the united states.
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>> well, i think the credibility of that whole thing, i think it is shot. the fact of the matter, when you have that type of bias, when you have bruce ohr acting like a political operative in in the justice department, feeding his opposition research to people like strzok and the fbi, and they are launching a counterintelligence investigation, and they puffed it up past the election. that is really unprecedented. it was abuse of the surveillance powers, from the powers of the government. and lisa page is not going to come tomorrow, or she is going to be held. i think she is going to show up. she will have to answer questions as well, and i think we are finally starting to make progress on this thing, but one thing we do have to do, if we don't get those documents, we have got to hold them in contempt. the articles of impeachment, but unless that is hanging out over there, i think they're going to continue to stall on some of
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this, and we have some momentum going out. we have to keep it up. >> lou: and it to see the truth revealed, i have got to get your very quickly. i want to get your reaction to rod rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, sending out a personal message to 93 u.s. attorneys, asking for three federal prosecutors to be forwarded their names, their names forwarded to him, to aid in the -- brett kavanaugh, as the associate, as the justice of the supreme court. i mean, have you ever seen such a -- this, to me, it is beyond the pale. >> well, look, rosenstein, he did a special counsel without identifying a criminal offense. did not follow all the rules there. i don't know where he is getting the authority to do this or why it would be good to do this.
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to me, it seems like an unprecedented action, i don't know what is motivating at, but he does need to explain. it just seems weird. >> lou: absolutely. the questions keep mounting when it comes to the deputy attorney general. congressman, again, congratulations on a great day. we appreciate. congressman ron desantis. taking it seriously. crafting legislation to do away with agency. straight ahead. we're coming right back. - i love my grandma. - anncr: as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great... when i can keep up! - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain
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>> lou: mexico's newly elected leftist president will be meeting with top trump administration officials this coming friday. to sit down with jared kushner, secretary of state pompeo, and steven mnuchin, and secretary nielsen at his campaign headquarters. perhaps you will take a page
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from president trump's book and surprise a lot of people. already, he has said that she will set up on his side of the border, the mexican enforcement force for the border. that is going to be interesting to see. and new york mayor, bill de blasio, possibly violating the law of the land when he illegally crossed the border. border patrol agents saying that he stepped foot over the line near el paso, texas, next month while he was part of a publicity stunt to test the immigration laws. well, dems pushing forward with their crazy calls to abolish i.c.e. working on legislation that would shut down i.c.e. and investigation an end investigate whether it violates human rights laws. at that is the democratic party
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for you these days. now, shedding light on even more department of justice and fix news national media left-wing collision. victoria and joe are here on that and much more straight ahead. oh, yes, the witch hunts. the witch hunts. it is not over yet. stay with it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help.
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my twin brother jacob has an autism spectrum disorder i remember one moment after being at school all day and i remember him getting into the car just balling... and saying: "mom, i have no friends" "why don't i have any friends?" it broke my heart. ♪brother let me be your shelter♪ ♪never leave you all alone that was the moment when i realized that i needed to do something about this. i needed to make a difference in his life. go! and i knew that if i could help him find a friend, i could help teach other people that including people with differences is the right thing to do. ♪bring it home
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♪brother let me be your shelter♪ that was the inspiration behind my non-profit "score a friend" educating people to include the people with differences is so important because when jacob's included he feels like he can succeed in life and he feels like he actually has a purpose. ♪..home >> lou: attorneys for former
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trump chairman paul manafort raising concerns about the 2017 meeting that occurred between top justice department officials and associated press reporters. memos revealed those reporters offered fbi agents and a doj officials dakota pertaining to paul manafort's storage facility a possible violation of the justice process. joining us tonight, i am pleased to say, victoria and joe, the founding partners of the law firm. great to have you both with us, and i know that you are impressed, joe, then i said your last name twice in succession. >> brilliant. >> lou: great to have you here. >> great to be with you. >> lou: let's start with paul manafort and the campaign. the national left-wing media. as i will lovingly refer to them. >> this is for the fbi nowadays,
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the disclose grand jury information, which is illegal in return for the reporters giving them information about their suppose a target. we have a client, billy walters, of the fbi. first of all -- >> big time gambler. >> humanitarian businessman, giving lots of money to charity. >> right. >> and the fbi league, under investigation for insider trading. it was absolutely false. the fbi comes back and tries to get a member of the board of directors for another company to testify, and she keeps refusing, say nothing went on. what do they do? they squeeze the guy, he is under investigation, he lost his job, he became desperate, and of course, after being squeeze, he agreed to testify, falsely, against billy.
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he not only saying, he composed. and let me just say, one other thing. >> lou: this is another great line that he invented. >> he did, one last thing, and the that u.s. attorneys office for new york denied that the leak ever came through. there were emails to prove otherwise. only when the judge ordered a hearing today admit it, and the last thing is, they promoted the agent to the grand jury. >> lou: at high into the 2017 meeting, which was apparently arranged by andrew weissmann, pitbull of robert mueller's special counsel. >> and what we now know was that wiseman, who had done this before, and is now recognized widely as one of the most unethical prosecutors in the history of the department,
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weissmann engineered this meeting between doj lawyers and the associated press for them to basically share information amongst themselves, including grand jury information, and in order to put pressure on paul manafort, we are watching the destruction of the fbi by people actually inside the meal or investigations, like weissmann. this has to stop. >> lou: why isn't there -- why aren't they raising hell over this? why would anyone who knows that information from a grand jury is being set through a conduit that goes straight through the national left-wing media, that is a violation of law, as victoria said. >> i actually think the judge is going to granted. i think there is going to be a hearing. it will be an opportunity to put weissmann on the witness stand, along with a lot of other fbi
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and a doj employees. and the doj report about strzok and everybody else, laid out how the fbi had a policy of working with the media to leak information, and these people in the bureau lied about it, but they eventually had to admit that it was false. it is destroying the bureau, and it is destroying the department of justice, and chris wray and rod rosenstein will do nothing about it. they are so interested in. detecting the institution that they are willing to overlook this. it is disgraceful. >> when rod rosenstein says that he feels like it is extortion, the oversight from the congressional committee, that is a frightening thing. >> lou: i don't know about you, but i find myself less and less concerned about how rod rosenstein feels on any given day. the mueller probe, it seems to me, may be dead if, and this is
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an extension, if the trump attorneys are right, demanding that before there is any further instruction, that they demonstrate some sort of evidence that there was collusion. at some reason to have a further discussion. >> there is no doubt that the president of the united states enjoys a special status under the law, and in order to interview him for any reason whatsoever, it is obviously an impeachment investigation. there is no evidence that any crime has been committed, so mueller is trying to interview him for this investigation, and the law is very clear. the president is unavailable for such inquiries and questioning, and under no circumstances should the president agree to this interview, and if mueller decides that he wants to issue a subpoena, i tell you, the president is going to win that in the supreme court because he can show no reason why all the evidence that he has has not
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already been obtained from other people. >> and the test is, the information has to be -- >> lou: victoria, i'm sorry, we have to go. ten secon you for being with us. >> announcer: from the fox studios in new york city this is maria bartiromo's "wall street." maria: happy weekend. welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. citi private bank head of investments is with me, and erika nardini. let's get over to the fox business newsroom. reporter: another busy news week. president trump drew a hard line in the sand at the nato meeting in brussels. he i


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